Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Independence Day

Today's generations independence day is not at home its with making new ideas and helping evryone who r in need ..

our way of wedding prosperity

 our grand decoration ,..for ruchi and anjans marriage
 the tradition which we follow TOGETHERNESS....
our welcoming decoratin for all our guests 

Senior Citizen day Event

Hello Hyderabad,
                       SUSAM Events taken part of Country Club, Actually i am interested in social activities, in that i am trying forward to do events also in that way , we approach country club, they given chance to participate in the Independence day and Senior Citizen day events, after doing those , we felt happy for organizing such type of events, so i felt very adjustable

myself doing that i felt to start doing all kind of events so if anyone interested to give a chance , we are totally interested to do all kind of events, so please try to cooperate to try to give us a chance to improve our self ,Don,t feel we are new feel we try new to our celebrations once try us